PHP – Generate a Random Advertisement or Image
Below is a function that can generate a random advertisement within you HTML page. I have made it modular, so that it can be reused for different geometries within the page. Below are very brief instructions on how to use it.
function myGetRandom($strDirPath) {
// 2011-09
// Function creates a random ad from a directory of text files,
// where each text file contains the HTML for 1 ad. ... OR ...
// Displays a random image from a directory of images.
// Parameters:
// strDirPath = The directory containing ad code files or images,
// relative to server root.
// Returns:
// HTML Code for a random advertisement or Image.
// Assumptions:
// Ad code is in a protected "inc" type directory.
// Image files are in a directory readable by the webserver.
// TO CHANGE VERSIONS: Switch which of last lines are commented.
// Make relative path understood by the server.
$strDocRoot = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];
$strTruePath = $strDocRoot.$strDirPath;
// Create an array of file names. Pick a random one.
if ($handle = opendir($strTruePath)) {
while (false !== ($strFile = readdir($handle))) {
if ($strFile != "." && $strFile != "..") {
$arrFileNames[] = $strFile;
$strRandFile = $arrFileNames[array_rand($arrFileNames)];
// Use the line below for Ad Text
// Use the line below for an Image
//echo "<img src=\"".$strDirPath."/".$strRandFile."\" />";
- Create a set of directories that let you know what size ads are in them, e.g., ads-125×125, ads-160xX, ads-728×90, etc.
- Put all your ad codes in the appropriate size-related directory. There should be only one ad code in each text file.
- Include a file that contains the above PHP code in the head section. Mine is in a file called “” within the main include directory, specified by “include_path” in my php.ini file.
<title>My Title</title>
<?php require_once("") ?>
- To use within a PHP page, assign the directory variable and call the funtion.
<!--Get Random Ad-->
<?php $strDirPath="/inc/ads-160xX";
myGetRandom($strDirPath); ?>
References: The part about getting a directory listing is from the PHP Manual.