lhasa tibet 850

Potala Palace Pictures from Tibet

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You get a nice view of Potala Palace [Potola Palace] from Jokhang Temple rooftop. It is an amazing place no matter what, but even more so when you think it was first built in the 7th century. The tourist souvenir also says it was expanded to its present size in the 17th century. It is 115m high and 13 stories tall. I don’t know about all these colors and symbols, but it is still a beautiful place, even without meaning. Leave a lot of time to walk around, because you could spend quite a few hours there.

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You might have noticed all of these pictures are of the outside of the building or the outdoor hallways. That is because you are asked for a donation for each room you want to take pictures in and it can get kind of expensive. I did pay twice during my trip, so you can see interiors of buildings in Gyantse or at the Tashilunpo monastery, home of the world’s largest bronze Buddha.