
Joomla – Protostar Banner Responsive Adsense

Joomla – Protostar Banner Responsive Adsense

Problem: I could not get my responsive Adsense unit (from Google) to show up in the “banner” position module while using the Joomla Protostar template. When I put the same code in a different module position, it showed up immediately after refreshing the page. Possible Solution: After wrapping the Adsense code in a paragraph tag that was…

Joomla – Link To Static Page / Physical File

Joomla – Link To Static Page / Physical File

Created 2014-10. This currently works in Joomla 3. Summary I was researching using Joomla to manage my existing website. I was wondering how you managed having both the Joomla-created pages and my existing pages side-by-side during the transition. Like many things in a program that does almost everything for you, the solution is very easy…