Lhasa Downtown and Barkhor Street Photos

My first trip to anywhere in Asia. A friend told me that Lhasa was the “home of Tibetan Buddhism”. Lhasa is about 3600m (~12,000ft) above sea level. Getting off the plane from Shanghai, I felt like I was drunk and I got sick the first night. Three of us had trouble sleeping for a week. People were generally friendly or indifferent to us. I saw a whole new culture and ancient traditions, but there are many modernizations happening very fast.
Probably the most famous spot in Lhasa is Potala Palace, so that place has it’s own section. Other pages from Lhasa have scenes from Jokhang temple and Sera monastery.
The old section of town, around Jokhang Temple includes Barkhore Street, the business center of Lhasa. Popular items include Yak Butter, for making buttered Yak tea, thermoses, and now even blenders, which are replacing butter churners now that electricity is readily available (2002). There are always people praying in the street, and there are incense burners and prayer wheels they sometimes use. There is a lot of packing and unpacking of items in the open-air markets.